SeamlessPayroll FAQs

FAQs on Payroll

1. Which Payment can I make on SeamlessPayroll?                                              Answer: You can disburse Salary and Pension from SeamlessPayroll. SeamlessHR would create a virtual account which you can fund to make payment.

2. How can I know or see my virtual/wallet account information?  

Answer: Your company account information is available under the Company Management on your payroll admin dashboard. You can also view account balance and download account statements from the same page.

3. How do I check the balance in my virtual/wallet account?

Answer: You can view account balance and also download account statements from the company account information page. .

4. Can I have the same account for payment for all my subsidiaries?   Answer: Yes, a single virtual account/wallet can be used to make payment of salaries and pension for multiple subsidiaries managed by an organization.

5. Do I have to make Pension Payment the same time I pay the employees' salaries?  

Answer: No, the tab for salary payment is different from pension. This allows you to make salary payments on your payday, and then make Pension remittances when due. 
We are currently integrated with Pension Central to achieve pension remittance across all PFAs.

6. How do I exclude some employees from being paid from the system?  

Answer: For employees that you do not want to pay from the system, you can remove them by checking the "off-app" check-box of pay mode in the employee profile. You can undo this action by checking the "in-app" check-box when you are ready to pay them through the system. Please note that the action to pay “off-app” needs to be done before running the payroll for the month. 

7. Can I integrate SeamlessPayroll with any 3rd Party solution?  

Answer: Yes, you can. We have possible integrations using APIs.  There is a dedicated integration team that handles all integration request. Please contact us by sending an email to support@seamlesshr.com or your assigned CSM to get more information.

8. Can I add an approver that is not an admin or employee on the system?    Answer: Yes, by adding the email address of the approvers to the approval workflow.

9. Why can I see salary on the payroll for a staff that is on no-pay leave.   Answer:

  • It is likely that the employee's leave request has not been approved. 
  • It is likely that the employee applied for the leave off the system 
  • The employee could have applied for the leave while the policy was set as full pay. 

Review all leave policies on the system to ensure that they are properly configured.  

10. Why am I seeing an employee under suspension without pay on Payroll with salaries?

Answer: The employee may not have been suspended on SeamlessHRMS. 
To remove the employee from your payroll run, review the sanction policies, suspend the affected employee accordingly, and re-run payroll.

11. How do I correct employees' incorrect taxes (Undeducted Tax/Wrong Tax).

Answer: It is possible that these employees have their pay notches set as "not taxed" or their paygrades set as "not taxed". 

To resolve this, review the affected employees’ paygrades' settings and update the paygrade to taxable and re-run payroll. 

For wrong tax figures, review your tax mode settings to ensure it is set up accurately.

12. The system did not calculate arrears for employees that started work in the previous month but were not paid in that month                                   

 Answer: For arrears to be calculated, you need to add the employees in your payroll update as new hires.

13. Can the system prorate tax?  

 Answer: Yes, the system will calculate tax based on the prorated gross salary for the month.

14. Company logo is not showing on employees' payslip

Answer: For clients that have the standalone payroll, go to Company Management on the admin dashboard, click on Basic Information, and input the logo. For clients with other HRMS modules, confirm that your company logo is on the company settings on HRMS. If it is, go to the payroll module and on the payroll dashboard, click settings, and upload your company logo to reflect on the payslip. 

15. Employees are unable to download payslips on the ESS? 

 Answer: Confirm that the admin has sent payslips for the payroll month.  To check this, go to the payroll run and check the status of the payslips to confirm it has been sent. If not, click on “Send Payslip” to send payslips. 

Confirm that the employee was not redeployed to the subsidiary/business unit recently. If the employee was redeployed, he/she would not be able to view previous payslips. Admin from the previous subsidiary would have to assist the employee in downloading. Here is a how-to guide on downloading payslips.

16. Fund transfer was completed successfully yet credit value is being delayed or credit value is not received?   

Answer: Money transfer depends on callback systems from the banking partner to confirm the success of a transfer. These systems can experience delays due to bank downtime or network unavailability. In a case like this, you are advised to wait for one hour. If it persists, reach out to your bank for the session ID of the transfer. Send this to us with the following information; Amount transferred, Bank transferred from, Date & Time of transfer at support@seamlesshr.com for troubleshooting.

17.  I am trying to update account details for payment but I am getting the error messages "could not complete " or "account number and selected bank does not match" or "Invalid account number" or "Account name enquiry unsuccessful" or "Beneficiary not found"? 

Answer: This is caused by downtime on the account number provider, kindly reach out to support at support@seamlesshr.com.

18. How do I remove deductions from employees' paygrades?

Answer: You can search for the specific paygrade under payroll settings >> Paygrades. Then click view to see the allowances and deductions on the paygrade. Click “make edit” under allowances or deductions depending on which you want to remove. You can remove the deduction or allowance that is not required.

19.  Can I remove all deductions on paygrades in bulk or for multiple paygrades?

Answer: This can be done by bulk editing the paygrades. Here is a guide on how to bulk edit paygrades.

20.  A new employee's salary who started in the middle of the month is not prorated.

Answer: Refresh updates on Employee Payroll Update stage of the payroll process. Confirm that the updates are captured by searching for the specific employee. 

21. An employee was promoted and the salary is not reflecting the promotion.

Answer: Refresh updates on the Employee Payroll Update stage of the payroll process. Confirm that the update “promotion” with the effective date is captured for the specific employee. 

22. The approving officer did not receive an email notification to approve the payroll run.

Answer: Confirm that the email address is correct and it is the same as the one HRIS.

23. How do I set up other payroll recurring updates on the system (loan deduction, voluntary pension contribution, etc.)?

Answer: Follow the guide here to setup recurring updates

24. Updates did not reflect on the employee's pay after setting it up.

Answer: For updates to reflect, ensure the update you have added shows on the payroll update step before running the payroll.

25. A Special Allowance prorated under the auto-updates, why?

Answer: Like Allowances updated on employees' paygrades, Special Allowances also work the same. As such, if an employee was exited, and a special allowance was set up for the employee, the calculation would prorate the employee's special allowance. However, to avoid proration, the admin can set up the allowance as an extra payment if the proration is not required.   

26. An employee's payment failed due to incorrect account details. This was updated, however, the payment still failed. 

Answer: For the correct account details to be effected, Admin needs to click on the “Rectify” button in front of the failed transaction to update the accurate account details.

27. Why is the Pension amount to be disbursed to staff less than the staff's pension?

Answer: Check the percentage of the pension deduction created on the employee's paygrade to confirm it is correct. If not, update the percentage or amount and rerun the payroll.

28. Can I run multiple payroll in a month?

Answer: Yes, you can run up to 3 payroll batches in a month and 2 Off-cycle payrolls run in a month. Here is a guide to setup multiple payroll runs.

29. An exited employee is still reflected on the payroll?

Answer: Confirm that the exit process has been completed for the employee. If the exit has been completed and the employee is still reflecting on payroll, reach out to SeamlessHR Support at support@seamlesshr.com

30. How do I make pension payments on SeamlessHR?

Answer: Scroll to the Statutory Deduction step on the Run Payroll steps and click the amount on the Pension Deduction tab. Select the bank account (virtual account) and click “Pay Pension” to pay.

31. Can I edit or delete an approval workflow?

Answer: Yes, as an admin, you are able to edit or delete an approval workflow as long as it is not currently attached to an ongoing payroll run. 

32. How can I get a consolidated report on SeamlessPayroll?

Answer: The payroll admin can download a YTD report that contains the consolidated data of all payroll runs on your system for a single year. 

Based on the month the report is downloaded, the information would include all the payroll run in previous months till the month admin downloads the YTD report. 

In other words, to download a payroll run for a previous year, the admin would download the last payroll run for the desired year and all payroll runs for that year would be included in the report. 

Go to the preview report page and click “other report” to select YTD Report from the drop-down list. 

33. An employee's salary is showing a negative figure. 

Answer: This usually occurs when the deduction is more than the allowances. To rectify this, confirm that all allowances and deductions have been added to the payslip settings. The payslip setting is under the payroll settings tab on the side navigation

34. How do you go about an employee/admin/approver on the payroll approval workflow has been exited or no longer an employee

 Answer: Edit the approval workflow to replace/remove the exited employee from the workflow before you run payroll. If you have run payroll and initiated approval before noticing that an approver is not available, restart the payroll and edit the workflow.

35. How do we get the Certified Statement of Pension Contribution?

Answer: The Certified Statement of Pension Contribution is issued directly by the PFAs upon request by your company.

The request is made by writing a letter addressed to the Managing Director of the PFAs concerned on the company's letterhead containing the request for the statement of your pension contribution within a defined period.

Once completed, the letter can be sent to the support team of each of the PFAs for processing or Business Development Manager attached to your company.

36. I am unable to add the email address on the approval workflow

Answer: Kindly log out and log in to retry the process. If the experience continues after refreshing, please contact support.

37. An approving officer is yet to receive an email notification to complete approval

Answer: Kindly confirm the following;

1 The email address on the approval workflow of the approving officer

2 The preceding approving officer has approved

3 The previous step has an. email attached.

36. Employees payslip payment SMS Alerts or bank notification does not reflect Salary

Answer: Confirm the payslip title or description includes "Salary" on the payslip description page. If not you can edit the description to include the text. For example "July Salary Payment".

37. Can I send payslip to a single employee?

Answer: Not at the moment. However, the admin can view and download an employee's payslip to send to the employee. Here is a step-by-step guide to assist.

38. I am unable to view the changes and updates made on an employee's profile on the payroll payment. 

Answer: Kindly restart the payroll run and refresh the update to view new changes and/or updates made in the employee's profile.

39. How can I incorporate Payroll Ledgers into my Payroll Module?

Answer: To add payroll ledgers to your payroll module, simply send a request to our support team. Provide necessary details such as your any specific ledger requirements. Our support team will assist you throughout the integration process.

40. How do i bulk update employees’ salaries. 

Answer: Employees’ salaries can be bulk updates by bulk updating paygrades on SeamlessPayroll. Here is a guide to assist. 

41. Employees leave allowance is not showing on payroll.


  • Once employees have requested for leave allowance via ESS, access the leave requests on 'Due allowances' page on the Leave module. 
  • Click ‘pay with payroll’ to sync the leave allowances to payroll. 

42. Why is voluntary contribution not captured in pension report?
Answer: Voluntary contribution may not be captured in pension report if the contribution was not set as a pension deduction. Here is a guide on how to set tax reliefs (e.g voluntary contribution) as a pension deduction.

43. I cannot see some employees on the payroll

Answer: View their profile on payroll and check if they have been removed from the payroll run, here is a guide to assist.

44. How can I know when an employee has been removed from the approval workflow on payroll?

Answer: On the payroll module select approval workflow on the left sidebar and edit the workflow to see the approval managers attached. See the guide here to assist.

45. Can I download Payslips for an exited employee?

Can admin still access payslips for exited employees?

Answer: Yes. Once employees are exited, admin can access and/or download their payslip on the Payslip Payment page of the desired payroll cycle. Simply search for the exited employee on the payslip payment page, preview payslip and download. 

45. Pension was not included in a new employees pay.

Can admin still access payslips for exited employees?

Answer: Confirm that the deduction type has been added to the payslip setting. Here is a guide to assist. 

46. Can employees be excluded from pension deduction?

Answer: Yes, remove the the deduction from the employees' paygrades.

If it is a single employee, use special deduction for them, set the pension deduction for both employer and employee to "0".

47. Can a close payroll run be reopened?

Answer: Yes, provided that payment is yet to be disbursed for that payroll run.

48. Can employees be excluded from pension deduction?

Answer: Yes, remove the deduction from the employee's paygrade. If it is a single employee, use the special deduction for them, set the pension employee and employer deduction to "0".