Frequently Asked Questions on Leave Management Module
1. An employee is unable to view a leave type they are entitled to- Check that their pay grade is eligible for the leave policy by checking the leave policy settings on the leave module.
- Check that leave days (duration) are assigned to the employee's paygrade
- If you have set that only confirmed employees are eligible for the leave type, check the confirmation status of the employee on their employment contract to verify their status.
2. An employee is unable to apply for leave?
- Check that their pay grade is eligible for the leave policy by checking the leave policy settings on the leave module.
- Check that leave days (duration) are assigned to the employee's paygrade
- If you have set that only confirmed employees are eligible for the leave type, check the confirmation status of the employee on their employment contract to verify their status.
- Check that every person required to approve the leave for the employee has been set up
3. Can I create multiple leave policies?
Yes, the system allows you to create as many leave policies as there are in your organization. *Insert leave policy edit/setup
3. Can I have a separate number of leave days for my confirmed & unconfirmed employees?
Yes, during the setup process for each leave policy, the system allows you to indicate the number of leave days a paygrade is entitled to, for both confirmed & unconfirmed.
4. Can I bulk upload leave policies?
Yes, there is a feature that allows you to bulk upload your policies *insert guide
5. Can I upload my company's leave history?
Yes, you can upload employees' leave history *insert guide
7. What is "Reserved Leave days"?
"Reserved leave days" is used to set aside a number of leave days that an employee cannot apply for out of their assigned leave days.
If an employee is entitled to 30 leave days, the admin can reserve 5 days. This means that the employee can only apply for 25 days.
8. What is "Blocked Leave days"?
"Blocked leave days" allows you to restrict employees from taking leave in a specific period.
If an admin chooses to block the first 5 working days in the month of April, no employee will be able to apply for leave on those days.
Reasons for blocking leave days include Appraisal week, company-wide training/retreat and so on.
9. What is "Additional Leave days"?
"Additional leave days" allows an admin to add extra days to individual employees or to employees in a department.
10. Can I setup a leave plan for employees?
Yes, the leave plan setting allows you to set the leave policy(s) you want your employees to plan for. When you have set up the leave plan policies, employees can then plan their leaves and send for approval.
11. Can I change a relief officer on an a leave request?
Yes, a privileged admin can change the relief officer on a leave request.
12. An employee is unable to login on return/coming back from leave?
- It is likely that the login access was blocked by an admin while the employee was on leave. The employee is required to use the "Return from Leave" button on the login page to request login access from the admin.
On request, the admin is required to restore login access for the employee by approving the request. - The admin from the action button on the employee's profile can "Restore Login Access" for the employee
- Check that the leave type policy is not set as accrued or prorated on the policy
- Check that some leave days are not reserved by the admin on the "Reserved Leave Days" submodule
- Recalculate the leave days using the refresh button on the employee leave page *insert picture
- Check that the leave type policy is not set as accrued or prorated on the policy
- Check that some leave days are not reserved by the admin on the "Reserved Leave Days" submodule
- Recalculate the leave days using the refresh button on the employee leave page *insert picture
- Check that the leave policy approval workflow does not include another role the employee has been assigned to as an admin.
- Check that the employee that received the approval notification is not a relief officer or the line manager of the relief officer
- Check that the leave request was not rerouted to the employee that received the approval notification
- The admin must have setup rollover leave days policy
- Check the junk/spam inbox to confirm the notification is not being received
- Ensure that the employee's account has been activated on HRIS by sending them employee login details
- Confirm that the email sender has not been blacklisted by the receiving domain
- That the employee has completed the leave requests from their ESS.
- That the relief officer who is set up to approve the leave has approved
- That the leave request was not made by another admin, thereby bypassing approval
Once the request has been made as an employee from the employee's ESS, the same employee receives the notification as an admin to complete approval.
31. Can employees take their rollover leave before applying for their current leave days?
Answer: Yes, when employees with rollover leave days apply for leave, the leave days are deducted from the rollover balance before the current leave balance.
32. Can employees know when the rollover leave is set to expire?
Answer: No, the admin needs to inform the employees of the expiry date of the rollover leave days.
33. An employee's leave request was not deducted from the annual leave days
Answer: Kindly confirm if the employees paygrade has rollover leave days. If yes, the leave request was deducted from the rollover balance.
34. An employee's leave balance is more than what was set for his paygrade
a) Check if the employee has rollover leave days. If yes, extra leave days have been added to their total leave days for the year.
b) Check if the employee has additional leave days. If yes, extra leave days have been added to their total leave days for the year.
35. A public holiday was captured as part of leave days for an employee.
Answer: Confirm that that date was set as a public holiday on the system.
36. Employees are unable to set up leave plan
- Confirm that the leave plan settings have been configured. If not, here is a guide on how to configure the leave plan settings.
- Confirm that leave policies have been attached to the leave plan.
- Confirm that the leave plan settings have been configured. If not, here is a guide on how to configure the leave plan settings.
- Confirm that leave policies have been attached to the leave plan.
Answer: Date greyed out in the leave plan calendar are public holidays or weekends, kindly confirm that public holidays and weekends are not set as part of leave days on the leave policy.
39. Employees leave allowance is not showing on payroll.
- Once employees have requested for leave allowance via ESS, access the leave requests on 'Due allowances' page on the Leave module.
- Click ‘pay with payroll’ to sync the leave allowances to payroll.
40. I keep getting a reporting line feedback when trying to apply for leave.
As an employee: Contact your HR admin
As an admin: Check that all the steps on the approval workflow attached to the leave policy are attached to an employee.
41. The date showing as public holiday is incorrect
Answer: For public holidays that do not have specific dates, the date can be changed in the leave module when the dates are confirmed. Here is a guide on how to edit public holiday.
42. I am unable to select a resumption date while applying for leave
Answer: While applying for the leave after inputting the number of leave days you are applying for, the system automatically shows the resumption date.
43. I am unable to see my available leave days
Answer: Reach out to your admin, confirming leave duration has been added to your paygrade.
44. Can admin upload leave plan on behalf of employees
Answer: No, employees are required to setup their leave plan on their Employee Self Service leave plan page. Here is a guide to assist.
45. How can I correct employees leave days
Answer: This can be corrected by updating the leave policy. Here is a guide to assist.
46. What happens when an employee's leave is reset?
Answer: The employee's leave balnace is reset to the original balance before the leave application was initiated.
47. I am unable to return from leave.
Answer: Confirm resumption notification has been setup by your admins as shown below;
48. An employee is unable to request for leave.
Answer: Confirm resumption notification has been setup on your admin dashboard
49. A leave was mistakenly declined and I want to approve as Super Admin.
Answer: Admin can either reapply for the employee or the employee reapplies.