
SeamlessHRMS Confirmation Process Flow

This is a step by step process of employee confirmation

1. Ensure your confirmation verifications, confirmation letter and confirmation policies are properly set up.

2. Onboarded employees would have been attached to a confirmation policy via the recruitment batch they were added to before onboarding.

3. Once employees have been switched to full account, they are added to the 'Ongoing Confirmation' list.

4. On the ESS, employees can then add confirmation verifications as configured by admin.

5. An admin can then vet the confirmation verifications, mark as satisfactory and leave a remark.

6. An admin can view ongoing confirmation and commence employee confirmation.

7. Once the confirmation request is approved, admin can send confirmation letter to employee.

8. Confirmed employee will get an email with the confirmation letter. They can also view and download the confirmation letter on the confirmation tab in their ESS.