Performance Management

October 2023 Release Note- SeamlessPerformance

Here is an extensive article covering our latest releases in the SeamlessPerformance Module.

A New Experience For Performance Management Settings


We've streamlined the performance management settings for a more user-friendly experience.


Our goal is to empower users with the ability to configure settings independently. This update underscores our commitment; to simplify the Performance Management module.

Below are the following changes:

  1. Single Page Settings: All settings are now consolidated on one page, eliminating the need to navigate multiple sections. Users can conveniently adjust settings without switching pages.
  2. Improved Visuals: We've updated icons and switched from toggle buttons to checkboxes for sub-settings, enhancing overall usability.
  3. Favourites Feature: Admins can now mark frequently used settings as favourites, simplifying quick access and modifications.
  4. Search Functionality: A search bar at the top of the settings page allows admins to swiftly locate specific settings using keywords, eliminating the need for manual category browsing.

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Settings are all on one page, toggle buttons are now in checkbox form and a search button has been included to easily find settings using keywords


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Admins can save their frequently used settings to their favorite tab.


Objective Weights going above 100%


Employees have the option to set objectives with weights exceeding the original 100%. However, during the appraisal calculation, the system will treat these objectives as if their weight is capped at 100%.


Many companies face the challenge of surpassing the intended 100% limit when distributing weights to objectives within their performance management system. Nevertheless, this flexibility allows them to allocate weights according to their specific needs and priorities.

As a result, employees can more easily understand the relative importance and impact of each objective. This, in turn, promotes improved decision-making and fosters a sense of ownership and accountability.

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KPI weights exceeding 100% can be enabled in BSC settings

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 19.35.10OKR weights exceeding 100% can be enabled in OKR settings.

Below are videos demonstrating this experience.

When creating OKRs, employees can allocate more than 100% weight, if this feature is enabled.


Admins Exempting Employees From A Performance Review


Admins can now grant exemptions to specific employees, allowing them to bypass the performance review process.


Granting exemptions to employees can help an organization reduce the administrative workload associated with conducting reviews for all staff members.

Furthermore, by obtaining a more holistic understanding of an employee's performance, admins can make informed decisions related to their professional development and career advancement.


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Admin can exempt a group of employees using the bulk upload function.

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Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 21.50.28Admin can view employees that were exempted in a performance review

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Line managers can view their direct reports who have been exempted. HOD can also view the exempted employees in their department.


Departments and job roles as survey respondent types


Admins now have the option to select departments and job roles as respondent types when crafting survey questions.


This feature empowers companies to diversify their pool of respondents, ultimately contributing to an enriched employee experience within the organization.

Below is a video demonstrating this experience.

Admin needs to choose a department before the job role.

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Employees in a specific department and job role can only view a question relevant to them during a survey.

Ceiling: Maximum Threshold For Objectives


Admins can now activate a Ceiling Threshold for KPIs and OKRs which determines the maximum level of performance an employee should achieve.


Identifying the maximum acceptable level of performance is difficult when companies consistently overachieve.

Defining this ceiling level will allow companies to:

  • Track and measure performance against predefined limits
  • Set realistic goals
  • Create a sense of motivation among employees to strive for excellence

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Ceiling cap for KPIs can be enabled in BSC settings


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The ceiling cap for OKR can be enabled in OKR settings


Below are videos to demonstrate this experience.

When creating OKR, the ceiling cap will only apply for numbers, percentages, and currency measurement mode if this feature is enabled.

When creating a KPI, the ceiling cap will only apply to KPI Types 1, 4, and 6 if this feature is enabled. 

After entering the actual score during the appraisal, the percentage completed will indicate the extent to which they have outperformed either the target or ceiling value for OKR

After entering the actual score during the appraisal, the percentage completed will indicate the extent to which they have outperformed either the target or ceiling value for KPI


Survey Questions Rearrangement


When an Admin rearranges the question in a survey, their arrangement is maintained when the survey is administered.


Maintaining the arrangement of questions as set by the admin when the survey is administered ensures consistency and reliability in collecting responses, which makes navigation easier for respondents and streamlined data analysis.