
🏆 New Features on SeamlessPayroll

Group by on Custom Report
The group-by function allows users to decide how their reports should be grouped when downloaded. Admins will now be able to group by more parameters when creating their custom reports - Pension Fund Administrator (PFA), State of residence, and Banks.

Creating custom reports

New parameters to group by

Company currency page for merger clients
Merger clients - clients who have HRMS & Payroll can now access their company currency setup page. This previously only existed for SeamlessPayroll clients.

Bulk Download Payslips for Admins
Now, Admins can bulk download the payslips for all their employees within a pay period, after they have run & closed the payroll for that month. The payslip bulk download can be accessed from the Payslip Breakdown page; the payslips will be downloaded in pdf. format and in a zip folder to the admin’s device.

Sort Date on Employee Payslips
When employees want to download their payslips, the recent dates are usually at the bottom. Now the dates on the payslips have been updated to show from Latest - Oldest.

Local Currency for Statutory Deductions
Now Companies who have foreign currency earners can set up statutory deductions in the base currency of the company as configured in the Currencies settings. This functionality is only needed when the basis is fixed amount.

Exchange rate for Payslips Companies with multiple currencies can now add exchange rates to the payslips for employees that earn in different currencies than the base currency. Admins can add this setting from Payslip settings and after the payroll cycle is closed and payslips are sent to employees, employees will be able to view the exchange rate used in the calculation of their pay items.

Monnify <> Payroll Integration In view of the issues experienced with Flutterwave when clients want to disburse salaries to their employees, we’ve added an integration to Monnify by Moniepoint as an alternative option for ease of disbursements.

New Copies on SeamlessPayroll Across the application, we have added new copies, some of them are below: a. A copy on the Accounts page to notify clients that they should use the NIBSS Instant Payment (NIP) Mode when making transfers to their virtual e-wallet.

General Bug Fixes and Improvements a. Copy Change from ‘Legder’ to ‘Ledger’ - the spelling was corrected. b. Cost Centre pulling cost centres from other subsidiaries - The issue of the application fetching cost centres from other subsidiaries has been resolved across the software

Internalisation a. Overtime tax for Ghana

The overtime tax computation has been changed so clients who have payroll updates can compute overtime tax without adding the value to the total taxable amount. This will prevent taxing employees twice

b. New NSSF rates for Kenya Kenyan ****NSSF has been changed from the fixed 200KES to 6% of pensionable gross with a cap at 18000KES. The NSSF is a statutory deduction so it is automatically configured by the system.

Existing clients can change to the new NSSF whenever they are ready by adding new nssf to the paygrades and remove the old one.