
Navigating the Payroll Approvers' Page

The description below shows details of Approvers' page during approvals.

A. When admins send payroll updates for approval, approvers on the first step will receive the notification to approve.

Internal approvers get in-app notifications/email notifications and will be required to log in before completing the approval process.

For external approvers, they will receive an email notification and can complete the approval without logging in.

B. On the page, approvers can filter the updates list, search for employees

C. The payroll run view shows the payroll run summaries; variance report

D. Approvers can approve funds on a payslip to be disbursed to employees through the application. They have access to view the value of the payslip, number of employees and the payable account.

E. The list of employees with the bank information and monthly net shows on the page.

F. List of approvers with their roles, comment box and the action to approve or decline the request.