Performance Management

May Release Notes - Performance Management Module

May 2023 🦾 SeamlessPerformance Version 4.21.0

🏆 New Features and Improvements


 🎓 Admins choose who should be able to rate a core value during an appraisal or a review

Admins can now choose who should be able to rate a core value during an appraisal or a review between employees, line managers, peers, and subordinates. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in the behavioural evaluation process, ensuring that feedback is collected from the most relevant sources.

Key features of this update include:

  1. Improved accuracy: By selecting the most relevant sources for feedback, the evaluation process will be more accurate and reflective of an employee's performance.
  2. Enhanced transparency: By making the rating process more transparent, employees will have a better understanding of how their performance is being evaluated and what areas they need to focus on. </aside>


Admins can choose who should rate a core value during an appraisal or performance review


The behavioural appraisal report will show the details of who rated a core value


🎓 Employees exporting their appraisal report in CSV

Employees can now conveniently export their appraisal reports in CSV format for efficient access and review.




🎓 Bulk Nudging Matrix Reviewers Function for Employees, Admins and Line Managers

Admins, employees and line managers can bulk-nudge matrix reviewers who are yet to review an employee’s appraisal.



🎓 Experience Improvement: Taking Appraisals

We have made some experience changes to how appraisals are taken on SeamlessPerformance.

Let’s take you through some improvements we have made.

1. Collapsible View for Enhanced Visibility: Employees and line managers can effortlessly view all reviewers and their roles right from the start, ensuring clarity and transparency.



2. Showcase Your Exceptional Achievements: Employees and line managers can highlight exceptional achievements with multiple evidence attachments and demonstrate the success and share the impact the employee made during the appraisal period.



3. Track Your Appraisal Progress: Reviewers can stay in the loop, track their appraisal progress, get updates on the status of their appraisals and take proactive steps to complete them.



4. Viewing Appraisal History: Line managers can take a trip down memory lane and gain valuable insights by accessing an employee's appraisal history while appraising their current performance.




5. Employee Comments During Attestation: Empower line managers to view employee comments made during the attestation stage. Foster open communication and create a collaborative appraisal environment.

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Automated Employee Rating & Final Score: Enjoy the benefits of an automated section for employee core value rating and final score calculation. Let the system do the work for you, providing accurate and consistent results.

Embrace the change and enjoy the journey. Happy appraising!