Human Resource Management System
Exit Management
Recruitment Management System
Recruitment Management Module
Learning Management System
Seamless Payroll
Seamless Performance
Market Place
Reports & Analytics
Leave Module
Approval Workflow
Disciplinary Module
Announcement Module
Loan Module
Redeployment Module
System Control
Onboarding and Confirmation
Requisition Module
Promotion Module
Company settings
Job Management
Audit Trail
Asset Management
Survey Module
Time and Attendance
Competency Module
Approval Request Manager
Release Notes
Time Management
Breeze Payer
How to set up Performance and Competency Integration on Appraisals and Reviews
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this on your SeamlessPerformance
1. Launch Your Performance App
2. Click on Appraisal Cycle
3. Click on "Create New"
4. Begin Set Up and Click on "Appraisal Type"
5. Toggle on "Competency Assessment" and click "Next"
Appraisal Period
Once it has been activated, admins can choose the weight a competency assessment should have when setting up the appraisal period.
To add Competency Assessment to an Appraisal Period, here are the steps below;
1. Click on Appraisal Cycle
2. Click on "Add appraisal period" on the Appraisal Cycle
3. Begin Setup and click on "Select Weight"
4. Assign Weight to "Competency Assessment" to make a total of a 100
5. Click on Next and this is completed.
Performance Reviews
Admins can decide to have competency assessments during performance reviews.
To add Competency Assessment to a Performance Review, here are the steps below;
1. Click on Appraisal Cycle
2. Click on "Add Performance Review" on the Appraisal Cycle
3. Begin Setup and click on "Define"
4. Toggle on "Yes" on the question to add competency to the performance review for employees.
5. Click on "Next"
Once competencies have been activated and approved, the employees can take a competency assessment during an appraisal or performance review.