
How to Setup the time and attendance module.

Follow the guides below on how to set up the attendance management settings.

  1. Launch the attendance management app. 
    Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 22.03.42
  2. Click on "settings" on the left pane of the page. 
  3. Select time and attendance settings.
  4. Toggle on the button on the right to activate the full-time schedule.
  5. Select who can create a full-time schedule (This can be all the roles listed on the page or a few roles)
    The same applies to the shift schedule.
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  6. Toggle on the button on the right to enable employees to log in via the system instead of the biometric machine only. 
  7. Toggle on the button to activate reminders for employees to clock in and clock out.
  8. Setup the minutes that reminders should go out before the clock-in or clock-out time. 
  9. Enable the button to track employees' clock in and clock out. Notification will be sent to the admin whenever an employee clocks in or clocks out. 
  10. Select the actors that should be notified when an employee clocks in or clock out. 
  11. Enable the button to track employees' lateness. 
  12. When an employee's lateness tracker is activated, the system can send an automated warning to the employees. Select the number of times an employee is allowed to come late before a warning is sent. 
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  13. Admins can also set up a penalty for employees that exceed the lateness warning. You can either send a query or a payroll deduction. 
  14. Select actors to be notified about an employee's lateness deduction. 
  15. Enable the button to track absenteeism. 
  16. Select a time frame when employees are allowed to clock in before the resumption time.
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  17. Admins can track weekends and public holidays. You can choose if weekends and public holidays are part of your work days. 
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