
How To Setup Your Exit Management Module (Settings)

A detailed guide on how to configure exit modes, customize notifications and add exit reasons.

  1. Click on Settings 

Exit Settings

2.  Exit Modes: (refers to ways that employees leave your organization)

Select exit modes that are applicable to your organization. You can check the Select all box to select all exit modes. Next, click on 'Save'.


Exit Mode


3.  Exit Reasons: (refers to reasons for leaving a job)

Create exit reasons applicable to your organization. You can add new ones individually or upload them in bulk. 

Create Exit Reason


4.  Fill in the exit reason and click save. 

Save Exit Reason

5. Download the bulk upload template, fill it appropriately and upload it. 

Bulk Upload Exit Reason


Notification Settings 

Configure notification settings for different exit actions and stages. 

Exit Application:

6. Enable who should be notified when an exit request is initiated.  
7. For admin, employee group, and specific employee, you will need to select the specific admin role(s), employee group, and specific employee respectively. 

Notification Settings- Exit Application

Completion of Exit Activities

8. Enable who should be notified when exit activities are completed. 

9. For admin, employee group and specific employee, you will need to select the specific admin role(s), employee group and specific employee respectively. 


On the Last day of Exiting Employee

10. Enable who should be notified on an exiting employee’s the last day. 

11. For admin, employee group and specific employee, you will need to select the specific admin role(s), employee group and specific employee respectively. 

Notification - Last Pay Day


When an Employee is Exited by an Admin 

12. Enable who should be notified when an employee is exited by an admin. For admin, employee group and specific employee, you will need to select the specific admin role(s), employee group and specific employee respectively. 

Notification - Exited by Admin


13. Click Save 

Notificattion Settings