
How To Set Up Performance Review

Here is a step by step guide on how admins can setup performance review, whether weekly, monthly or quarterly.

From the Admin portal, launch the performance management module.

1. From the right side menu, click on Appraisal cycle to begin the process.

2. Locate the appraisal cycle you would like to add a performance review in, click on add performance review. If you have not created any appraisal cycle, use this link to create an appraisal cycle.

3. From the new page display, click on create new to start the process.

4. Input the name of this performance review 

5. The description isn't a compulsory field, you can input the description of the period of review

6. Set the start and end date of this activity, i.e when you would like the system to be opened for line managers and employees to have their review 

7. Would you like line managers to rate their employees' objectives individually or collectively? Indicate by selecting a yes or no

8. Indicate if you would like employees to review core values during this performance review by clicking yes or no.

Click on next to proceed to the next page

8. Select the categories of employees you would like to apply this performance review for. Admin can also bulk upload exempted employees if any.

9. Select the workflow you would like to apply to this performance workflow. Click 'Next'.

10. If you would like to set a deadline for each workflow stage in this performance review, toggle the deadline on as indicated below.

11. Input the end date for each stage, then click 'Next'.

12. Select the 'core values' you would like to assess.

13. If you would like to disable core values, toggle off the core values as indicated above.

This next page is for admins to set the rating scales that is to be used in this Performance review

10. Select your preferable scales from 1-5 

11. Set your minimum and maximum number 

12. For each of the number, you will be required to input a title and a brief description

13. Selected an avatar from the drop down list

Use the next button to take you to the next page

14. Toggle this on if you would like to add surveys to this performance review. Click 'Add Surveys'.

15. Select the surveys you would like to add, then click 'Add'.

16. Click 'Next' to proceed.

14. If you would like reminders to be sent out to employees about their reviews on the system, you can toggle this on and set the parameters below

15. Click the arrow sign to drop down the dialogue box

16. Include the time of mail delivery and number of days before commencement

17. Indicate if you would like to repeat the notification daily and the time of repeat

18. Toggle this on if you would like daily reminders for the workflow deadline.