Disciplinary Module
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  2. Disciplinary Module

How To Set Up Hr Notifications On The Disciplinary Module

Follow these steps to set up Hr notifications on the disciplinary module

1. Switch to the Admin Dashboard.

2. Click on Settings.

3. Click on Notification Settings.

4. Tick as applicable and Select How Hr should be notified and the admin role.

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5.If the notification ''Can Notify HRs'' is selected by admin employees can decide to notify HRs or not to check the box to notify HRs on their ESS page.

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6. If the notification ''Always Notify HRs"  is selected, whenever an employee raise a grievance HRs are notified about it and the grievance section is checked and greyed out automatically on the ESS page.

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7. If the notification ''Never notify HRs"  is selected, whenever an employee raises a grievance HRs are not notified about it and the grievance section is checked and greyed out automatically on the ESS page.

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