
How To Setup Expense Requisition Policies

This is a step by step guide on setting up Expense requisition policies

From Expense Requisitions, Click on Requisition Policies

Click on Create Policy


  1. Input the title of the Policy
  2. Add the appropriate description
  3. Select the Expense interval type - Monthly, Bi-annual, Quarterly, Annually, One-Off, No Interval)
  4. Select who the policy should cover 
  5. Choose the Approval workflow that will apply to the policy. 
  6.  Check the boxes to make the policy Splittable, Accrued or prorated  
  7. Check the boxes to allow employees view their requisition balance,  
  8. Allow Employees monthly unclaimed requisition to rollover
  9. Allow the policy be visible to all employees 
  10. Click on Next

  11. Select the Requisition amount type, either Fixed or Range 
  12. Select the eligible paygrades and input the amount for each paygrade.

    N.B To input the same amount for all the Paygrades, Check the box at the top of the paygrades list.
  13. Click on Next 


14. Select the Department(s) the policy will apply to 
15. Click on Submit