
How To Set Up / Edit Appraisal Recommendations.

Follow the steps below to set up / edit appraisal recommendations

  1. Launch the performance module. 
    Screenshot 2022-01-26 at 12.51.46
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left side panel.
  3. Click on general appraisal. 
  4. Select recommendations. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.51.14 AM
  5. Input the Title and Description
  6. Then click on "add recommendation" to create a new recommendation. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.53.23 AM
  7. Click on the pencil icon to make changes to an existing recommendation. 
  8. Click on the null icon to deactivate an existing recommendation. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.54.51 AM