
How to setup approval workflow

Follow these steps to setup approval workflows for requests

  1. Switch to admin
  2. Select Approval workflow from the installed applications
  3. Click on View Approval Flows
  4. Each approval workflow already created has an edit button where admins can edit a workflow.


5. Create Approval Workflow


6. Enter a name of the approval workflow.

7. Create the approval steps by clicking the reporting line (if the person to approve is a line manager, countersigning officer - i.e the line manager’s manager) or admin roles that have been created on the system (such as HR admin, leave officer, payroll officer etc). 

Click the select button. 

Repeat the process to add more roles on the workflow. (You can add both Admins and reporting lines).

8. Select show approval comment to enable the person approving to input a comment when approving a request.

9. Select the show decline comment settings to enable an admin to comment when declining a request.

10. Set reminder setting on this approval workflow if you want to receive reminders on pending approvals

11.  Enable Auto reroute so that approvals request will be automatically routed  to a relief officer when the person to approve is on leave. 

12.  Click add to create approval workflow.
