
How to send queries to Employees

After a grievance or a disciplinary case has been created, privileged users like disciplinary admin, HR admin, reporting lines such as HOD and line managers can send queries to the affected employees. Follow the steps below to send query to employees

1 Click on cases, from the list of reported cases on the system click on view to view case details



2. From the action button on the affected employee name click on query 



3. Select the query template to use from the list of the already created template on settings. A fresh query can also be manually inputted in the description field if the query templates created by the admin does not fit the need.


4. Select the query response time and if there's any file to attach to the query and submit.



Note that external modules can also send out queries to an employee, e.g. Time and Attendance, this can be achieved by using the query template feature.