User Guides

How To Save A Report on the R & A Module

A guide on how to save reports on the Reports & Analytics module

When a user is done with the data computation and configurations the user can save the report for future reference.  


There are only 2 compulsory fields required when saving a report namely 

  • Report Name 
  • Module library  

Selecting a report library: This is the location where the report would be saved. It is called a report library. The modules in the list are a representation of the selections made when building the report and the relationships the report “leave management” had with other modules. 

Add to a dashboard: when a report is created with a chart. The user can choose to add a chart directly to one/more dashboard(s).  

Saved Report: When a report is newly saved, the report is highlighted in yellow as seen below.  

Actions in a report library: A user can perform the following actions within a report library. 

  • View report  
  • Filter report 
  • Duplicate report 
  • Schedule report 
  • Delete  

Chart Icon: When a report is created with a chart, the user can quickly identify the report by using the chart icon that would be appended to it. If a report does not contain a chart, there would be no chart icon appended to the report.  

View Report: When a user views a report from the report library the user can toggle between tabs (Report or Chart) to view. Also, the user can export a report and chart.  

In a case where the user needs to adjust the report, he/she can select the “Edit report” button and the user is taken to the report table and can edit and alter the report and then update the report. 

Report Types: There are 2 types of reports namely; 

  • Custom  
  • Default 


A custom report reports the user creates and configured themselves while a default report is a system-generated report. Default reports do not have creators attached to them they are usually left blank.