Human Resource Management System
Exit Management
Recruitment Management System
Learning Management System
Seamless Payroll
Reports & Analytics
Leave Module
Approval Workflow
Disciplinary Module
Announcement Module
Loan Module
Redeployment Module
System Control
Onboarding and Confirmation
Requisition Module
Promotion Module
Company settings
Job Management
Audit Trail
Asset Management
Survey Module
Time and Attendance
Competency Module
Approval Request Manager
Release Notes
Embedded Finance
How to Manage Tag Collections on LMS
Tags help authors, designers, resellers and administrators in a NewSpring to create a better overview of their content, templates, courses and events.
1. Click on Tag collections to view the list of existing tags.
2. Click Manage to give access to more users.
3. You can update the tag collection name.
4. By toggling the Learners option under tag collection access, learners are able to see the tags from this tag collection.

5. You can also assign the right roles to users. Roles determine on which level the user can interact with tags.