
How To Appraise Objectives Of An Employee During Matrix Appraisals

This is a guide on reviewing objectives as a matrix reviewer.

Once an employee to be reviewed has completed and submitted their self-assessment, You will get a notification that the employees' objective(s) are pending your review. 

  1. Click on Performance from your ESS Dashboard 
  2. Select Other Evaluations
  3. Ensure you are on the correct appraisal cycle or Change to the appropriate appraisal cycle 
  4. On the appraisal period, Click View
  5. Go to the Matrix Reviews
  6. On the employee to be appraised, click on Appraise
    Screenshot 2022-03-12 at 15.17.35
  7. Input the objective score 
  8. Click on Compute Score 
    Screenshot 2022-03-12 at 15.23.55