
How to Edit An Approved Objective

This guide will show you how objectives sent for approval can be edited by a Line Manager/Supervisor/HOD.

1. Log in to the SeamlessHRMS, switch to the supervisor view and navigate to the Performance Management Module.

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2. Click on objective request, ensure you are on the right appraisal cycle, and search for the employee.

3. Click on view in front of the desired employees name.

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4. Click on Confirm objectives and Approve the objective.

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5. Once the the objectives has been activated, navigate to Objectives and click on subordinates.

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6. Search for the employee and click on the action button in front of the employee's name.Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 12.37.06 1

7. On the employee objective page, click on action and you'll be able to see the  "edit" button Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 12.39.05

8. A notification will pop up to confirm if you want to move the objectives to draft, once this is confirmed, you will get a notification saying the objectives has been successfully moved to draft.

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