Help guides

How to Duplicate Objectives for an Employee as an Admin

Follow the step-by-step guide to duplicate objectives for an employee as an admin.

1. Launch the Performance Management module

2. Click Objectives Setup

3. From the dropdown, click Employee

4. Search the name of the employee and select the Action button to view the dropdown to configure either KPI or OKR for the employee

5. Select the Action button to view the dropdown to configure either KPI or OKR for the employee

6. Click Draft to view the page to create objectives

7. Select Other Actions to view the dropdown

8. From the dropdown, select Bulk Upload or Duplicate Objectives to view upload objectives

9. Duplicate from another existing cycle, choose the cycle that has the details you want to duplicate from, then choose if you want to submit for approval or just move to draft.

10. Duplicate from another employee, choose/search for the employee you want to duplicate from and the cycle, submit for approval, or move to draft.