
How To Delete An Employee's Objectives As An Admin

Kindly follow the steps to delete an employee's objectives as an admin.

1. Login as an admin

2. Launch the Performance Management module

3. Click on Objective Set Up

4. Click on Employee 

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 1.16.55 AM

5. Click on the "Action" button beside the employee's name

6. Select "Move to draft"

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 1.22.06 AM

7. Once the objectives have been moved to draft, select the dropdown next to Create

8. Select "Delete All" to complete the process.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 1.17.48 AM

Note: If an employee has began using the objectives for an ongoing appraisal, an error message will be received on attempt to move objectives to draft. To proceed, admin needs to reset the appraisal of the employee to Yet to Start before completing the delete action. The guide here on how to reset appraisal will assist.