
How To Create/Post A Job On The Recruitment Management System

This steps would help you create and post a job on SeamlessHiring.

  1. On the RMS dashboard, click on Create A Job.
  2. Fill out all the fields in Job details on (1).
    These information are the basic details regarding the job, such as Job title, Job level, Employment type, Salary band, Job summary, and Benefits attached to the job etc. 
  3. Click on Continue to proceed. 
  4. In Job settings (2), you configure those who are eligible to apply or see the job, the Job expiration date, Specialization, Job visibility; that is if the job is an internal or external recruitment etc. 

    If you toggle on Make Job Private, only candidates whose emails have been provisioned can apply for the job. 
  5. Select the preferred Application Workflow to be attached to the Job. The workflow refers to the steps applicants will go through from the point of application to the point of being hired or rejected.

    Once you finish, click Continue. 

Tips: You can search the Knowledge Base for guides on how to create Recruitment Workflows.

Note: Once you attach a Recruitment Workflow to a job, and there are applicants on the workflow, you can still edit the job and the workflow. 

6. The next configuration is the Application setup, here you need to set up the information you need from the applicants. First is the personal information section, such as their Names, Gender, Marital status etc.  

7. The next section is Educational History. You want to know where you intending hire schooled, Courses they did or the grades they finished with, include the desired fields in this section. 

You can also toggle on or off the Required feature, to indicate if applicant MUST fill the items.

The bin icon, can be used to delete any item, you do not want to include in the application form.

Tips: Use the Add custom field to include fields not already provisioned in each Section. 

8. Admins can also include in the Work Experience section, the items they want applicants to include when filling their employment history.

You want to know where they've worked, minimum and maximum salary etc, this is the section you do that.

9. The Documents section, allows you to determine, the attachments or number of documents you want applicants to upload.

You can include CV and Cover Letter in this section.

10. Admins can always add a new section. Click on Add new section and insert the details of the section.

11. When you are done with all the sections, select Continue to proceed to the next phase.

12. In Overview, you can preview the job application sections they created and can see all the job settings done.

13. Once you click on Preview job, you would see see all the Sections you had created earlier on for applicants to fill.

All the fields you included would appear in the preview. Click on Close preview when you finish.

Click on Submit to complete the entire process. Before you submit, ensure all entries are accurate. 

14. The minute you Submit, you would see a verification pop up, telling you Job created successfully.

If you edit an already created job, you get a similar pop up stating Job edited successfully.

You to click on Manage job, to manage the created or edited job or select Create new job to create a new job position entirely. 

Note: Once you create a job successfully and its active, people with access to the job link or your SeamlessHiring platform can begin to apply for the job. 

15. When you click on Manage job, it takes you to the All jobs dashboard and you can View Job.

The dropdown next to it enables you to carry out actions such as view applicants, delete job and promote the job.

You can also hide and unhide the Recruitment Workflow attached to the job, allowing you to see the stage applicants are on.  

Tips: Use the filter feature, it makes your search easier. 

On the left pane, is a row of filter options you can apply when on the All jobs dashboard.

16. To promote the job, click on Promote this job.

Tips: You can click on Copy job link to retrieve a link to the job post and you can share that link to also promote the job.

17.One you click on Promote this job, you get redirected to the Applicant Tracking System(ATS) and you can promote the job on your Socials. 

At this stage you can preview the job to see what applicants see when they want to apply, you can edit the job details and even unpublish the job. 

Once you unpublish the Job, it would no longer be visible to applicants and it would be suspended. You can alway re-publish the job at anytime, given that the job has not expired.