
How to create Exit Policies for Contract Employees

Here is a step by step guide on how to set this up on your Exit Management

1. Launch the Exit Management Module

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2. Click on "Exit Policy" and Select "End of Contact"

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3. Click on "Edit" on the Action Button Dropdown Options

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4. On the General Tab view, input the preferred Policy details that fit into your organization's policy.

NB: The Trigger Period and Period Type

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5. Once completed, click on "Proceed"

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6. Proceed to the next view tagged "Settings"

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7. Add all required settings to the policy and tailor it to fit your organization's policy. Once Completed, you're all set.

Then Click on "Complete Setup"

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Expiring Contracts Tab

This tab shows employees’ contracts expiring within a month by default and filters can be used to search for more or go beyond/below a month.

Actions to process an employee’s exit or extend the contract date can also be taken from here.

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Based on the trigger period set, authorized actors will receive notification tasks as an employee’s contract approaches expiry for action.

Extendable Contract Types

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Non-Extendable Contract Types

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NB: However, for Extendable Contract Types if the  "Process Employee Exit" button is clicked, it redirects users here.

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And if the "Extend Contract button" is clicked, it redirects users here.

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