
How To Add Admin On Seamless Payroll.

Follow the steps below to add an admin to Seamless Payroll

  1. Launch the Seamless Payroll App and click on manage admin. 
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  2. Click on add an admin. 
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  3. Input the employee's first name.
  4. Input the last name. 
  5. Choose a username. 
  6. Input the employees email. 
  7. Input the employees phone number. 
  8. Choose the company. 
  9. Click on add permission to select the permission the admin will have access to. 
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  10. Select the permission and click on okay to save. 
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  11. Click on save to complete the process. 
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  12. Once admin has been created, the admin will receive a link to activate account. If the mail was not sent, you can resend invite link. 
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N.B: The manage admin feature is visible on the payroll standalone server. For enterprise clients who have HRMS, a payroll admin is added from system control.