
Setting Up Your Loan Policy

Follow these steps to set up a loan policy.

  1. Switch to admin.

2.  Launch the Loan App.

3.  Click on loan policies to set up your loan policy.

4.  Select the button create loan policy to start the process.

5.   Input the name of the policy in the name section

6.   Select the loan amount type.

7.   Select the loan interest type that is applicable to the being setup

8.   Pick the duration period for the loan policy

9.   Choose if the loan policy would require a guarantor

10.   Will the loan repayment be paid with the payroll module?

11.  Select who is eligible for the loan policy

    12.   Answer the questions in as it applies to the loan policy
    13.   Select the eligible paygrade(s) that can apply for the loan
    14.   Select the appropriate approval workflow. 
    15.   Select the loan booking approval process 
    16.   Select the loan liquidation approval workflow
    17.   Click on create loan policy to create the policy.