Performance FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions on SeamlessPerformance 

1. Can I reset an Employee's Appraisal? 

Yes, you can, you can also decide the stage you want to reset the appraisal to 

  • Self-assessment,  
  • Line manager,   
  • Reviewer
  • Attestation
  • Countersigning officer  

Please find a guide here to assist *insert guide


2. Can employees see the company/departmental objective?

    Yes, employees will see the company/departmental objectives if the permission has been set by the admin for the company/ departmental objectives to be visible to employees. Objectives must be uploaded before they can be seen by employees 

    please review objective settings to ensure the necessary permissions are set up


    3. Can the system send auto reminders during an appraisal period? 

    Yes, it can. The admin only needs to set the time and who the reminders should go out. You can enable notifications when setting up an appraisal period. 

    4. Can the system conduct a 360- cycle appraisal?  

    Yes, it can.  While setting up the appraisal period you can choose if you want a 360  appraisal or linear appraisal. "Insert how to setup appraisal period


    5. Can I extend the appraisal date after the end date?

    Yes, an appraisal period date can be extended after it has been closed. *Insert guide

    6. Can I restrict employees from uploading/editing objectives on the system?  

    Yes, you can restrict employees employees. You can also restrict a particular department you want to restrict from creating KPIs. 

    7. Can an employee nudge his/her supervisor/countersigning/peer(s) to appraisal them?

    Yes, employees can nudge their line managers/countersigning/peers to appraisal them.

    This action can only be performed if the employee has taken the self-assessment. 


    8. Can admin nudge participants to take action on an appraisal?

    Yes, an admin can nudge individual participant or bulk nudge participants to take action on an appraisal.


    9. Can I turn off an ARC (Appraisal Review Committee) after it has been set up?

    Yes, ARC is setup during the creation of an appraisal cycle. You can turn it on/off by editing the appraisal cycle to exclude ARC review.

    10. When can I edit an appraisal period settings?

    An appraisal period setting can be edited before the start date of the appraisal period. 

    After the period starts, you cannot edit the period settings. If you need to edit the period settings, please reach out to support@seamlesshr.com 

    10. Where can Line Managers appraise their subordinate?

    Line managers can commence the appraisal of their subordinates  from the Appraisal/ Review submodule on the supervisor's dashboard. Follow the simple steps on * insert guide 

    Alternatively, you can use the link on the notification received when an employee completes their self assessment.

    11. Would employees get notified when an appraisal cycle is created?

    Yes, employees will get an email notification if this has been enabled by the admin in the performance management settings.


    12. Can HODs create departmental objectives?

    Yes. If the individual has been set as a HOD on the system and the admin has granted rights to create departmental objectives on the system. 

    13. Can I delete an appraisal cycle/period? 

    Yes, a privileged admin can delete an appraisal cycle/period.


    14. I'm not able to upload my BSC objectives using the bulk upload template?

    Please confirm that:

    • The total weight of all the objectives is 100% 
    • The perspectives on your bulk upload sheet are captured exactly as they are captured on the "Perspectives" on the appraisal setting on the system 
    • Confirm that the headers on the downloaded template have not been edited 


    15. Can I use the OKR & BSC performance management methodology together in an appraisal cycle?

      Yes, you can choose to have both OKR & BSC model in one appraisal cycle. 

      However, employees can only use either of the model in a cycle, i.e. an employee cannot use both OKR and BSC for his/her objectives.


      16. Employees are unable to submit objectives?

      • Check that the employee has an active line manager
      • Check that the employee has an active countersigning officer
      • Check that total weight of all the objectives is 100% 

      17. Employees are unable to submit appraisals (Click on done)

      Confirm that all objectives and core values have been scored

      18. A countersigning supervisor is unable to appraise direct reports

      • Check the status of the appraisal to be certain that the appraisal is pending the countersigning supervisor. If the appraisal is pending attestation, advise the employee to attest to the appraisal and after the employee's attestation, the countersigning supervisor will be able to complete the appraisal. 
      • Check that the employee's contract was not recently updated to change the reporting line. If this is the case, the appraisal needs to be reset for the employee to retake their self-appraisal
      • Confirm that you are in the right appraisal cycle


      18. An employee is unable to click on next after computing the objectives/OKR score. 

      • Confirm that the employee has inputted scores in all objectives and behavioural. 

      19. At what point can peers and subordinates appraise the employee during 360 appraisal?

      • When the employee has conducted self appraisal

      20. Peers and subordinates are not getting notifications to appraise during 360 appraisal?

      • Confirm that the employee has conducted self appraisal, the notification will only be received after this.

      20. Can admin edit approved objectives? 

      • Yes, an admin or employee can edit an approved objective. However,  if the employee has commenced appraisal or performance review, an admin needs to reset the appraisal before the objectives can edited.

      21. What are the different KPI types on the balance score card (BSC) and their meanings?

      • Type 1 KPI: The higher the better

      In this KPI type, once you get higher than the target or meet the set target, you get the full score. If a target is set at 90 out of a 100 and you get 90 or above, you get the full score.

      • Type 2 KPI: The Lower the better i

      In this KPI type, once you get lower than the set target, you get the full score. Example: if the target set is 50 and you get less than 50, you get the full score

      • Type 3 KPI: The Lower the better ii

      The lower the better, once you get lower than the target, you get the full score. But if you get higher than the target, even if it is by 0.01, it is a 0.

      • Type 4 KPI: All or nothing

      Once the employee’s actual is lower than the target for a KPI, the actual percentage score, weighted score and final score for the KPI is zero.
      However, when the employee’s actual ≥ the target for a KPI, the employee gets the maximum possible score for such KPIs as regards the actual percentage score, weighted score and final score.

      • Type 5 KPI: Negative Scoring

      This KPI type is recommended where losses such loss of life or financial loss, have been budgeted. Here, target and/or actual values can be negative

      • Type 6 KPI: Threshold

      A KPI type where a threshold is set on appraisal score in which any score below that threshold, the employee scores zero. For example where the target is 100, and the threshold is set at 40%.
      If the employee has an actual of 90 he scores 90%. If he has an actual of 50 he gets 50% but if he has any actual between 39 and 1, then he should score zero
      Target Zero
      For instance if you set a target of zero for an employee and the actual is zero, the system should score the employee 100 and not zero. For instance if a target is set at zero stock out, and the actual is a 0, the system will still score you 100 and not a zero.

      • Type 7 KPI: Lower Threshold

      In this KPI type, a target and maximum threshold are set. If the employee achieves this target, the employee will receive the maximum score of 100%.
      The employee will score zero for any score that is greater than or equal to the threshold set. The employee score reduces as the actual performance moves upward towards the threshold.

      • Type 8 (Rating): In this KPI type, a rating of 1- 5 or 1-10 is set up and employees can be scored using the rating of 1-5. 5 would mean the employee is doing excellent, and 1 means they are doing poorly.

      22. Why can't I edit/activate my objectives in draft?

      • Please note that you cannot edit and activate draft objectives if you  have started taking your appraisals in the same appraisal cycle. An admin would need to reset the appraisals first before you can activate the edited objectives in draft.

      22. I am a Supervisor but I can't see any of my direct reports to appraise

      • Switch from your ESS role to your supervisor role
      • Confirm that you are assigned as the employees supervisor/ line manager on their employment contact
      • Confirm that you are in the right appraisal cycle

      23. As a supervisor, I am unable to view my subordinates' objectives requests

      • Confirm that you have viewed the objectives from the Objectives Requests page on the submodule
      • Confirm that your direct reports have successfully uploaded and sent the objectives for approval
      • Confirm that you are in the right appraisal cycle

      24. The appraisal is pending me as reviewer but I am unable to appraise/submit subordinate's appraisal

      • This could be because the matrix reviewer is yet to appraise objectives. Kindly nudge the matrix reviewer to complete their review for you to proceed.
      • Check that the employee's contract was not recently updated to change the reporting line. If this is the case, the appraisal needs to be reset for the employee to retake their self-appraisal before the line manager is able to review.

      • Confirm that you have scored all objectives and core values

      25. As an admin, can I decide which notifications are being sent during appraisals?

      • Yes, as an admin you can select what notifications are being sent out during appraisals on the general appraisal settings page.

      25. As an admin, can I decide who notifications are being sent to during appraisals?

      • Yes, as an admin you can select who notifications are being sent out to during appraisals on the general appraisal settings page.

      26. A manager has exited and the new line manager is unable to review appraisals of the team as subordinates are still tied to the former line manager. What do we do?

      • What you can do is to change the subordinates line manager to the new one. However, if the old line manager has commenced appraisals, an admin would need to reroute the appraisals to the new line manager.

      27. The appraisal period has ended, why am I still getting daily appraisal report?

      • This is because the appraisal period is yet to be closed, kindly note that you are required to close the appraisal period.

      28. An employee's final score is incorrect even after the appraisal is completed.

      • This occurs when there has been a change in weight after the appraisal has commenced. An admin needs to "Recompute Score" to recalculate the employee's score. 
      • Ensure the employee, peers and reviewers have completed the performance and core value appraisals for the employee by viewing the employee's appraisal details. 

      29. How do I create countersigning officers for employees?

      Countersigning officers are employees' supervisor's line manager and are automatically assigned to the employee.

      30. Why did another employee receive a notification to approve an employee's objective request? 

      • Another employee would receive notification to approve an employee's objective request if the correct approving officer/line manager is on leave and has made the employee his/her relief officer.
      • The employee is currently updated as a line manager to the subordinate in question. This can be confirmed on the employee's contract on HRIS. 
      • If the objective request has been rerouted to the employee

      30. An employee wants to edit/ make changes to their active objectives

      • Confirm that employees are enabled to edit their objectives from the General Appraisal Settings; as this can be enabled or disabled.
      • The employee can make edits to the objectives by moving them to draft to make necessary edits. Kindly note that the employee is only able to edit if the employee is yet to start their self appraisal. If the employee's appraisal is in progress, an admin needs to reset the appraisal first before any changes can be made on the objectives.
      31. As an Admin, I am unable to select peers for employees
      It is likely that in setting up the 360 degrees appraisal, automatic selection for employees in the same paygroup & location was selected. You can confirm this by checking your 360 degrees appraisal settings. 
      32. Employees are unable to attest their appraisals after the review
      Confirm the approval workflow selected enables employees to attest to their appraisals. For Appraisal Workflow 2, employees are not able to attest.
      33. What does it mean to Nudge Reviewer?
      The nudge feature is used to send a notification to the reviewer that an activity is pending their action.
      35. I am unable to edit an appraisal period, I keep getting the message "An appraisal period cannot be edited once it has begun"
      Please note that you cannot edit an appraisal period once it is in progress, kindly reach out to support@seamlesshr.com for further assistance with this.
      36. Some employees are pending ARC but cannot be seen on the ARC view 
      It is likely that the ARC setup was done using ARC groups, please note that if you are using Group ARCs, the employees must belong to an employee group, department, region or location. Employees without an employee group, department, region or location will not have their appraisals reviewed by an ARC member.

      37. Employees are pending ARC but the ARC cannot see the button to make recommendation

      The only ARC role able to input recommendation is the Scribe. Confirm by checking the appraisal cycle that the ARC trying to input recommendation is a scribe.

      38. Can I bulk skip an appraisal step at any stage before being completed?

      Yes, once appraisal is yet to be completed, you can bulk skip appraisal steps back and forth. *insert guide
      39. I uploaded the ARC bulk upload and it showed successful but the upload did not reflect.
      • Refresh and check if upload now reflects. If otherwise, reach out to support@seamlesshr.com

      39. I am unable to bulk upload ARC recommendation

      • Confirm the correct bulk upload format is being used.

      40. I rerouted an employee's appraisal to another reviewer but the countersigning officer did not change to the new reviewer's line manager

      When an admin reroutes to a new reviewer on an employee's appraisal, the countersigning does not change. If you need the countersigning officer to change, reroute to the new countersigning or change the employee's line manager on their contract.

      41. How do I impute custom scores?

      • Once you set up custom scores, you can input custom scores from the appraisal period action button.

      42. What is an Appraisal Cycle?


      43. What is an Appraisal Period?


      44. Why am I unable to export performance check ins?


      45. I noticed my performance module does not have the “select weight” tab when creating new appraisal cycles. 

      Answer: Weight can be assigned to performance and behavioural objectives when creating appraisal periods not appraisal cycles.


      46. Employees have completed their appraisals, why is their final score still showing 0%

      • When custom score has been set up, the employees final score may show 0% depending on the weight that was assigned to that particular appraisal stage, Kindly confirm if the scores have been updated for the employees during appraisals.

      47. I bulk uploaded objectives for all employees but all the employees still have no objectives.

      Answer: Check that the file used for the bulk upload  is saved in the correct format for example; 

      48. An employee's objectives are routed to the wrong manager for approval.
      Answer: If the line manager that is to approve the employee's objectives is on leave, the objectives will be redirected to the manager's relief officer.
      49. What does it mean to Freeze KPI
      Answer: The option to Freeze KPI while setting up an employee's objectives, disables an employee's access from editing the KPI step by the admin.
      50. Who is a Concurer?
      Answer: A concurer is also known as the Countersigning Officer; that is, the line manager to an employee's supervisor. 
      51. Can employees complete their appraisals without core/behavioural being setup? 
      Answer: Yes, you can create your appraisal setting without the core values/behavioral part. To do this, the admin would have to uncheck the Behavioural/Core Value Appraisal setting while as setting up an appraisal cycle as shown below;
      52. What is Freeze Status?
      Answer: Freeze status is a setting on the admin dashboard that enables an admin to freeze employees' KPIs during setup.
      Once an admin activates Freeze status on an employee's KPI, employees are disabled from editing or deleting a KPI created by an admin on their Employee Self Service(ESS).
      53. Can an admin view the objectives of all employees from the admin dashboard?
      Answer: Yes, admins can view the objectives of all employees without being the supervisor.

      Once you launch the performance module, an admin selects Objective Setup to view the option below to view the objectives of all employees.

       54. What does it mean when an objective show that it’s at risk?
      Answer: The at risk feature helps to indicate the current status of the objective during the course of an appraisal cycle. That is, if the target assigned to the objective is yet to be attained, the status would be at risk.
      55. Would employees be able to complete their appraisal when the appraisal is closed?
      Answer: No, when an appraisal period is closed, employees would not be enabled t proceed with their appraisal. Reviewers and Countersigning would also not be able to complete the appraisal.
      However, if appraisal is completed, employee yet to start appraisal wouldn't be able to begin but appraisals in progress can be completed and reviewed by roles on teh appraisal workflow. 
      56. Why does an employee's final score still show 0 After inputting the score?
      Answer: If the reviewer has not inputted a score, the final score cannot be computed.
      57. How can edit my comments as a supervisor
      Answer: Comments cannot be edited by a supervisor after it has been inputted. However, the admin can reset the appraisal to a status that enables a supervisor to input a new set of comments.
      58. Can admin nudge supervisors to activate employees objectives?
      Answer: This feature is currently unavailable. However, admin can reroute the objectives to the supervisor to trigger a new notification.

      59. How can admin deactivate countersigning officer?
      Answer: If the company uses the default workflow, they can deactivate counter signing in the settings. However, this is going to affect all the workflows. Another option is to create a custom workflow that doesn’t include a countersigning officer.
      N.B: If the appraisal is already in progress, advice the admin to bulk skip countersigning stage.
      60. Employees are unable to edit objectives
      Answer: This can be tied to 3 reasons- the appraisal is already in progress, the settings to disallow employees from editing activated objectives is toggled on, the admin froze employees objectives.
      61. On the performance management setting on recommendation type we have only selected three action points and the rest deactivated.
      Answer: The deactivation of recommendations takes effect during the appraisal process and is specific to each appraisal period.
      62. I observed that when active objectives have been completed, an employee is not
      able to add a new objective. Please advise.
      Answer: Once objectives are activated, admins would need to move active objectives back to draft from the admin dashboard to enable the employees to make changes.
      63. I made a mistake while creating an appraisal period but I can no longer view the option to delete or edit.
      Answer: Once an appraisal period start date has passed, admins can no longer edit or delete as employees may have taken actions on their ESS.
      Share an email with the Appraisal cycle and period details to us at support@seamlesshr.com so it can be treated on our end.
      64. How do i delete an employee’s KPI?


      • If the employee has started appraisal, reset the appraisal to ‘self assessment’ stage. See guide here
      • Then objectives can be moved to draft, then deleted. See guide here

      65. Employee are unable to take appraisal, they got the error message that they have not been selected to take part in the appraisal
      Answer: Admin should confirm if an appraisal period have been created, if no, here is a guide on how to create an appraisal period.

      However, if an appraisal period was created, confirm the participants of the appraisal and also check if the employee department and unit have been selected. Also check the confirmation status of the employee and the eligible employee for the appraisal.

      66. An employee rating tag is showing poor when the employee got a high appraisal score.

      Answer: The rating tags must have been edited after the employee’s score was submitted, to correct this the employee's score needs to be recomputed.

      67. Some of the KPIs are showing 0%, despite rating and  computing scores.

      Answer: Ensure start value is lower than target value, except where negative scoring is expected. Also, ensure target value has not been set to 0.

      68. I am unable to switch off notifications for an appraisal period

      Answer: Admin can enable/disble notifications for an appraisal period that is yet to start.

      69. I would like to update the deadline on an appraisal period that is currently closed.

      Answer: The appraisal period end date need to be extended then the appraisal deadlines extended. 

      70. How do I remove recommendations from an appraisal?

      Answer: Please note that the recommendations option can be toggled off while creating the appraisal period.

      71. I am unable to submit my appraisal

      Answer: Kindly confirm that comments have been inputted for all objectives.