
Employee Profile Update Request

The steps below will guide you on how to view and approe employee profile update requests.

1. Log in to the SeamlessHRMS and navigate to employee profile update requests.

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.26.04

2. Click on Employee Profile update requests. A list of pending profile update request will appear on the page.

3. Click on the employee name to view the request 

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.29.10

4. The part of the profile that was updated will show the initial details the employee had on the profile and the update being made.

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.29.55

The request can be approved on this page, either by choosing the green tick (you will get a notification to confirm that you want to approve the request)

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.32.54

or declined by clicking on the cancel icon(you will get a notification to confirm that you want to disapprove the request).

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.34.04

You can also approve all the profile updates that may have been initiated by scrolling to the end of the page and clicking on approve all(you will get a notification to confirm that you want to approve the request).

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.34.36

5. A notification that the request was updated successfully will pop up.