
How To Create Departments

The steps below will guide you on how to create a department on the HRIS module.

  1. Switch your role to admin.
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  2. Launch the HRIS app.
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  3. Select Job Management on the left panel.
  4. Select departments. This will open into a new tab.
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  5. Click on the add new button at the bottom of the page to continue the process.
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You can also edit a department by clicking on the pencil icon on an existing department and following the same step below. 


6. Input the name of this department

7. Give this department an appropriate description

8. Indicate if the department is regional, by selecting yes or no from the dropdown

9. From the dropdown, select the parent department that this new department will report to.

This is only applicable to units, departments or divisions that are within another entity. E.g A unit within a department or a department within a division.

10. Select the Head of Department from the list of employees

11. Select the appropriate tag for this new department i.e either department, directorate or unit.

12. Give the department a code, if applicable.

13. Click on the "Create Department" button to complete the process

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