
August 2023 Release Note

Here is the release note for the Month of August 2023

Bulk Edit on Employee Management for Merger Companies Merger Clients now have a bulk edit functionality that lets them edit specific job information that affects the computation of payroll & taxes; the bulk edit template has the following columns

  • Serial Number
  • Employee Name
  • Employee Code
  • Tax Mode
  • Residency status: this column only exists for EA companies

From the Employees - View All Employees page on Payroll, admins can access the Bulk Actions button and the Bulk Edit template; the employee names and codes should not be edited and if edited, the admin will receive a validation error upon upload.

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Employees List where admins can access the bulk edit dropdown

Untitled (21)Admin downloads the bulk edit template and re-uploads in the accepted format

Bulk Exclude & Include Employees from Payroll Previously, Admins were able to remove specific employees from payroll only by editing the job information section of the employee’s profile. Now, admins can take bulk actions to:

  • Bulk Exclude from Payroll
  • Bulk Include to Payroll

Admins will be able to complete this action from the Employees - View all Employees page on Payroll. When employees are selected from the list, the options to Bulk Exclude & Bulk Include from Payroll options will be displayed at the top of the list and admins will be required to confirm the action before proceeding.

Once employees are excluded from payroll run, they will be removed from all payroll run batches as well as off-cycle runs.

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Additional Filter

Admins can also filter the employees’ list by their ‘On Payroll’ status, to see employees who have been excluded from the payroll run or included in the payroll run.

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Allowance Type Filter on Special Allowances Page

In addition to the current filters on the Special Allowances page, we have added an Allowance Type filter; Here, admins can filter the special allowances by allowances that were previously configured on the payroll settings.

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Percentage of computed gross basis for deductions for all Countries

Now, admins can add the percentage of computed Gross as a basis when adding deductions to paygrades. 

Untitled (25)-1Computed gross = Allowances & Extra Payments - all deductions & Tax

Search Box, Filter Results, Bulk Delete, and Download List for the Timesheet Updates

We have added a search box, a filter results box, and the ability to bulk delete for timesheet updates.

Search Box: Admins can search their timesheet list by the names of employees who have timesheet updates

Untitled (26)Filter Results: Admins will be able to filter by wage allowances; the dropdown here shows allowances that have been created as Wages from payroll settings 

Untitled (27)Bulk Delete: Admins can select employees on the timesheet list and select bulk delete to remove those employees from the timesheet list. 

Untitled (28)Download Timesheet List: Admins can also download the list of employees on the timesheet list, the sheet is downloaded in a sheet to the user’s device. 

Untitled (29)Negative Net Report on Payroll Run Status

Now, admins can view employees who have a negative net on the Payroll Run status report. The list shows the employees with a negative net and a breakdown of their salary. This report does not hinder the admin from completing/closing payroll; provided that all runs are successful, the admin can still close payroll and complete other payroll actions.

Negative net happens when the value of all deductions > all allowances & extra payments

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Admins can also view the breakdown of the employees with negative net

General Bug Fixes and Improvements a. Irregularities on Bulk Upload templates:

a. . Irregularities on Bulk Upload templates: We have updated all bulk upload templates across WA & EA with the correct nomenclatures.

b. Logo Sync for Merger Companies: We have fixed issues around company’s logos not syncing for merger companies

c. Date formats on Bulk Uploads & Edit templates:Now, bulk upload & edit sheets have the required format (Month-YYYY) for Auto Updates on the t

d. Cost Centers only on Payroll for merger companies: For merger companies, the creation & configuration of cost centers is now on Payroll only. For new companies, before completing an employee bulk upload, you will be required to upload the cost centers on Payroll first.

e. Employees who are excluded from payroll should not reflect on off-cycle: We have fixed the issue of employees who are removed from payroll reflecting on Off-cycle runs.

f. Removed Bulk Delete & Deactivate for merger clients: For Merger clients, we have removed the bulk delete & bulk deactivate functionality, since this should only be completed from HRIS by deactivating the employee’s contract and or exits

g. Swift code & sort code sync from HRIS to Payroll: The issue with the swift & sync codes for employees not syncing to Payroll has been fixed